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Purchase History Gateway

Please read these notes before checking your history for the first time.

This system is not yet 100% complete, we regret. It is only available to USA customers, but we are working on a way to incorporate all our valued cutomers.

Enter the first three letters of your last name, and your zip code. The format should be xxx12345 (if you have a bizarre last name of xxxstein and your zip is 12345). If you have any punctuation in your name, do not include it (o'shawnstein would be osh) please use all lower case. You should then be brought to a page showing all your purchase history from 2002 to today. This system updates once a night, after our business hours. If you are looking for today's purchases, they will appear about 1 hour after closing (as a general rule).

Go ahead - give it a try... we hope this service helps!