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How PayPal works on our site

How to pay with PayPal on any of the J and J Enterprises sites

We will start with the very important point, before you get bored and stop reading. If you order something that has to be made for you, you may receive a request for acknowledgment as soon as your order in entered into our shop computers via email. Just say "yes" to that and we will get right to work on your products. We have had to add this step because some people think it is amusing to order something in someone else's name.

We have designed our PayPal payment system so that, unlike with most sites, you don't pay when you place your order, but rather you pay when your order is ready to be made. Just as with our credit card orders, we don't believe we should sit on your money until we "get around" to your order.

It is very simple to pay with Pay Pal...

1) During check out select "pay by PayPal" from "payment method"
2) Answer the questions in the three simple steps (there are notes along the way to guide you)
3) Click on "place order" and you're done!

You will receive a bill via email from PayPal when your order is ready to be made. Just click on "pay now" from that email, and make your payment via PayPal.We start your order immediately, and it should ship in 24-48 hours.

Some Q & A:

Why should I use PayPal instead of a credit card?

There is no reason why you should use PayPal if you are comfortable with sharing your credit card with us, as thousands have. Just select "Paying by credit card" instead.

Then why do you offer PayPal?

Some people have PayPal accounts and don't have a credit card. This makes it easier than having to mail in payment. Also some people aren't comfortable with using their credit cards on numerous sites. Even though your cards are never stored on our server, we still wanted to offer this option to those who are concerned.

What if I don't have a PayPal account?

If you have a credit card it is not necessary to have a PayPal account to pay your bill. You can use your credit card on PayPal (or simply use it with us).

I don't want PayPal seeing what I am buying

Your PayPal invoice will not list what you have purchased. The invoice will simply list stock numbers, the same numbers you see in your cart, on your invoice, and in your confirmation email. Stock number, quantity, and price. That's it.

Will this delay my order?

Invoices are e-mailed the minute your order is ready to go. We are notified the second you pay. As soon as you pay your order will be shipped.

What if I don't get the invoice, or don't pay?

If an invoice is unpaid after 48 hours we email a reminder. If it isn't paid 48 hours after that your order will be canceled with no obligation to you.

Is there anything else?

If you have a PayPal account, be sure to use the same email you use with PayPal when ordering from us. It doesn't matter to us, but it will make you go through additional steps with PayPal (basically their security will wonder why someone is using the same account with an email that doesn't match). Also please be sure you typed your email correctly (you will be surprised how many emails we get bounce). If your email isn't valid we will never be able to contact you, send your invoice, or ship your order.

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