Front Page --- Order history and status ---Check your order

Order Status Gateway

Please read these notes before checking your order status for the first time.

Our shopping cart uses a slightly bizarre order numbering system, part of its involved security system. IF your order number is longer than 8 digits, enter only the last 8. If it is 8 digits long, or less, enter the whole number.

Look at your confirmation that you received via e-mail from the shopping cart. Near the top of the e-mail you will see two lines that look like the example below. If you take the last 8 numbers, as we show, you will have your tracking number. Remember, you may have more than 8, less than 8, or 8. If you have 8 or less digits, just use all of them.

Orders should be available for for review for 30 days after they are shipped.

A full explaination is on the results page

Possible problems:

Cannot connect to server - server not found, etc.
Unlike our web site, our order checking server is a stand alone server, without a back up. That means, if it goes down, the internet can't find us. Try again shortly, we will be working on the problem (thankfully, this doesn't happen often).

URL not found
If you are sure you typed it in right, then you have found a new way that our programs are bombing. Please let us know.

Except if you just placed your order. Orders will not appear on the status system until we actually enter them on the beginning of the first business day after you place the order (sometimes sooner). You get a confirmation from our shopping cart server. This is not the same as our production computers which track your order, and what it needs, minute by minute. When we enter your order into our production system, it is then available for you to track. Please allow ample time to elapse before you scare us into thinking the system has screwed up again.

First of any month
On the first of each month we do server maintenance. Orders placed in the evening on the last day of the month would normally show up early in the morning on the first, but because of server maintenance they will not usually appear until early in the afternoon.

Go ahead - give it a try... just another way we are trying to be the very very best leather supplier on the web!