Scrappy's Gibbet Measurements


I can't draw. Simple as that, but I think I can guide you through the proper way to measure to customize this for your height and dimensions.

All you need is two things. First: A measuring tape. Seeing that you aren't going to be measuring around anything, I suggest a carpenter's measuring tape; those metal retractable ones. Second: A friend. Someone needs to take the measurements for you. Seeing that you're probably buying this custom made to fit yourself, the friend should be easy to come by.

You will be measuring up from the bottom, the floor. Simply measure up to where you want the straps to fall, as indicated on the diagram. This is your gear, and your body, put them where you want them.

Some pointers, however:
1) The one marked "bicep" is probably better thought of as upper arm. We have found the best point is as near the shoulder you can get, but not so much so that you could shrug off a strap.
2) We are going to center the strap on the measurement you give. The straps are 2" wide. Keep that in mind. Like the wrist... if you measure exactly where your wrist flexes at the hand, then the strap will be over your hand by 1". If you want that, perfect. If you want it off your hand, then remember to move it up an inch when measuring.
3) Stand up straight! No, this isn't your mommy talking. You will be flat on the floor, bed, or bondage table wearing this. If you slouch when you're measuring then you'll have to curl up on the floor to have it fit right.

Simple as that. List each point from the bottom up, in your comments box at check out and you're done!

Please remember that custom pieces must be paid for prior to us starting work. Your card will be charged, or your PayPal invoice must be paid (we don't send it until we are ready to start), and we will start on it immediately. Custom pieces are not returnable, but of course if we make an error we will gladly remake it for you.

Measurement figure